Ph.D., P.E., F. EWRI
Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Environment Engineering
Institute of Computational and Data Sciences
Penn State University
N387 ECoRE
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 863-2940 (office)
Email: xzl123@psu.edu
LinkedIn: Xiaofeng Liu
Google Scholar: Profile
- 2/22/2025: We introduced Universal Shallow Water Equations (USWEs) and a solver in Hydrograd.jl, a Julia package for computational hydrodynamics with automatic differentiation and scientific machine learning. A manuscript is under review (arXiv).
- 2/22/2025: Our group published a new paper on the scour and erosion around porous structures (link).
- 3/25/2024: Xiaofeng becomes an ASCE EWRI fellow.
- 3/25/2024: Our group publishes the NCHRP Research Report 1077: Selection and Application of Manning's Roughness Values in Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Models (report, data)
For more news, see the archive.
Quick Overview of Our Research
- Example numerical models and tools:
- Hydrograd.jl: Computational Hydrodynamics with Automatic Differentiation for Scientific Machine Learning. A Julia package for universal shallow water equations.
- OpenFOAM: Our major research package with multiple applications
- pyHMT2D: Python package for 2D Hydraulic Modeling Tools
- dl4HM: Deep-learning for Hydraulics Modeling, a python package for building data-driven machine learning models.
- Example experimental work:
- Scour around porous hydraulic structures
- Rock weir hydraulics
- Sediment movement through synthetic
- PH.D. (2008) Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- M.S. (2007) Applied Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- M.S. (2003) Environmental Science, Peking University, Beijing, China
- B.E. (2000) Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Professional Experiences
- 2019 – Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State University
- 2014 – 2019 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State University
- 2010 – 2013 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio
- 2009 – 2010 Visiting Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 2008 – 2009 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Awards and Honors
- Harry West Teaching Award, Penn State CEE, 2020
- State of the Art of Civil Engineering Award, ASCE, 2020
- Third Place, Phase I of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Divide and Conquer Challenge for River Modeling, 2022
- Second Place, Phase II of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Divide and Conquer Challenge for River Modeling, 2023