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    Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) is supported by US EPA. The description and history of this code can be found in its EPA website.

    I use this code to do some research on the water quality management of the Chicago River, IL, and possibly other places.   

    The work I did with EFDC includes:
  • Adapt the water quality model for the Chicago River, add detailed model for the deposition and resuspension of particulate matter.
  • Develop some tools to make the use of the code more friendly and the calibration process faster. These tools include pre-processing and post-processing.
  • Parallelization of the code using OpenMP
Location of the Chicago River
Segmentation of the Chicago River

    Application examples:
        ADCP Uplooker measurement at the upstream of the junction shows density current due to CSO events.
CSO Event of 01/08/2008

CSO Event of 02/17/2008

The following figure shows the flow structure at the junction of the Bublby Creek and the South Branch at the beginning of a CSO event. Notice the intrusion of the dense CSO flow upstream and into the ship slips.

    The following is an animation shows the density current in the South Branch during a CSO event.