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 (Note: * denotes graduate student or postdoc; ** denotes visiting scholar; $ denotes corresponding author)

Book and book chapters

  1. M. J. Franca, D. Valero, and X. Liu (2021). Turbulence and rivers. In Treatise in Geomorphology, 2nd edition, editor Ellen Wohl. Elsevier.
  2. J. Rice, X. Liu, I. Sasanakul, M. Mcllroy, M. Xiao (2021). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-10). International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Geo-Institute of American Society of Civil Engineering.
  3. X. Liu (2020). Computing in Civil and Environmental Engineering. GitHub Repository,, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3996772 (This is a living book; it will keep evolving)
  4. X. Liu and J. Zhang (editors). Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Treatment. ASCE Publications, 2019.
  5. X. Liu, Open channel hydraulics: From then to now and beyond, in Modern Water Resources Engineering, Humana Press, 2014.

Papers/book chapters submitted/in preparation

  1. S. A. M. Darzikolaeia and X. Liu.Scour Around Large Wood with Rootwads: An Experimental and Computational Study.
  2. A. M. Mazdeh and X. Liu. Is there mesh independence for 2D modeling based on shallow-water equations?
  3. X. Liu. pyHMT2D: Python-based two-dimensional hydraulic modeling tools.
  4. Y. Zeng, X. Liu, and D. L. Smith. ELAM-OF: An Eulerian-Lagrangian Agent Model (ELAM) for Fish Passage Designs Implemented with OpenFOAM
  5. Y. Zeng, X. Liu, and D. L. Smith. Evaluation of Fish Migration and Fish Passage Design using Two-dimensional Hydraulics Models and Eulerian-Lagrangian Agent Models
  6. B. Li*, M. B. Cardenas, X. Chen, and X. Liu. Flow and transport in heterogeneous hyporheic zones with cross-bedded sediments.
  7. S.A.M., Darzikolaeia, Z. M., Shao, J. A., Musazay, S., Shen, F. Rajabipour, and X., Liu. Optimizing Grout Injection: A Computational and Experimental Study .

Journal papers published/accepted

  1. W. Zhi, H. Baniecki, J. Liu, E. Boyer, C. Shen, G. Shenk, X. Liu, L. Li (2024). Increasing Phosphorus Loss Despite Widespread Concentration Decline in US Rivers, PNAS, 121(48): e2402028121
  2. S. A. M. Darzikolaeia, J. C. Curran, X. Liu. Experimental Study on Flow and Sediment Patterns around Porous Engineered Log Jams, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, accepted, 2024
  3. B. Li, M. B. Cardenas, X. Chen, and X. Liu. Mechanistic definition and prediction of the mass exchange coefficient between rivers and hyporheic zones: the $\alpha$ of two $\Omega$s, Journal of Hydrology, 644, 132054, 2024
  4. Y Song, P. Chaemchuen, F. Rahmani, W. Zhi, L. Li, X. Liu, E. Boyer, T. Bindas, K. Lawson, and C. Shen (2024), Deep learning insights into suspended sediment concentrations across the conterminous United States: Strengths and limitations,  Journal of Hydrology, 639, 131573
  5. X. Liu, Y. Song, and C. Shen (2024). Bathymetry Inversion using a Deep-Learning-Based Surrogate for Shallow Water Equations Solvers. Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR035890
  6. J. Farnana, A. Ecka, A. Kearney, F. L. Dormanb, H. Ismaila, E. Chase, X. Liu, N. R. Warner, W. D. Burgos (2024). Oil and Gas Produced Waters Fail to Meet Beneficial Reuse Recommendations for Use as Dust Suppressants. Science of the Total Environment, 919, 170807
  7. Y. Song, C. Shen, X. Liu (2023). Surrogate Model for Shallow Water Equations Solvers with Deep Learning. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering., 149(11): 04023045.
  8. C. Shen, A. P. Appling, P. Gentine, T. Bandai, H. Gupta, A. Tartakovsky, M. Baity-Jesi, F. Fenicia, D. Kifer, L. Li, X. Liu, W. Ren, Y. Zheng, C. J. Harman, M. Clark, M. Farthing, D. Feng, P. Kumar, D. Aboelyazeed1, F. Rahmani1, Y. Song, H. E. Beck, T. Bindas, D. Dwivedi, K. Fang, M. Hage, C. Rackauckas, B. Mohanty, T. Roy, C. Xu, K. Lawson (2023). Differentiable modeling to unify machine learning and physics models and advance geoscience, Nature Review Earth & Environment, 4, 552-567
  9. D. Lu, T. Yang, X. Liu (2023). Editorial: Data-driven machine learning for advancing hydrological and hydraulic predictability. Frontiers in Water. 5:1215966.
  10. Y. Xu and X. Liu (2022). CFD-based evaluation and verification of FISP suspended sediment samplers. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 148(12): 04022043 (featured as Editor's Choice)
  11. Y. Song, A. Darzikolaei, X. Liu (2022). Scour and burial of underwater unexploded ordnances (UXOs): An experimental and computational investigation. Ocean Engineering, 262, 112146
  12. Y. G. Lai, X. Liu, F. A. Bombardelli, Y. Song (2022). Three-dimensional Numerical Modeling of Local Scour: A State-of-the-Art Review and Perspective. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 148(11):03122002
  13. A. Lee, A. F. Aubeneau, M. B. Cardenas, and X. Liu (2022). Hyporheic exchange due to cobbles on sandy beds. Water Resources Research. 58, e2021WR030164
  14. Y. Song, Y. Xu, H. Ismail, and X. Liu$ (2022). Scour modeling based on immersed boundary method: a pathway to practical use of three-dimensional scour models. Coastal Engineering. 171, 104037
  15. C. Zheng, J. Huang, X. Liu, and T. G. Cleveland (2022). Numerical simulation of drainage of permeable friction course (PFC) considering surface runoff and seepage flow. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements. 148(1): 04021079
  16. S. M. Hajimirzaie, G. Constantinescu, X. Liu, T. Stoesser, and K. Zamani (2022). Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Applications in Water-Resources Engineering, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 148(12): 02022001
  17. Y. Yuan, X. Chen, M. B. Cardenas, X. Liu, and L. Chen (2021), Hyporheic exchange driven by submerged rigid vegetation: a numerical study. Water Resources Research. 57(6):e2019WR026675
  18. Y. Zeng*, H. Ismail*, and X. Liu$ (2021). A flow decomposition method for realistic rock weir hydraulics. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147(8): 04021030
  19. A. Lee**, A. F. Aubeneau, X. Liu, and M. B. Cardenas (2021). Hyporheic exchange over dunes in rivers with deforming free water surface. Water Resources Research. 57, e2020WR028817
  20. Y. Xu* and X. Liu$ (2021). An immersed boundary method with y+-adaptation wall function for smooth wall shear. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids. 93: 19291946
  21. H. Ismail*, M. Xiao, S. Salam, B. Scholl, and X. Liu$ (2021). Infill mobility through an engineered synthetic turf on steep slopes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 147(8): 04021023
  22. H. Ismail*, Y. Xu*, and X. Liu$ (2021). Flow and scour around porous engineered log jam (ELJ) structures. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 147(1): 04020089
  23. X. Liu$, J. Zhang, K. Nelson, Y. A. Catano-Lopera (2020). Challenges and opportunities of  computational fluid dynamics for water, wastewater, and stormwater treatment. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 146(11): 02520002
  24. Y. Song*, Y. Xu*, and X. Liu$ (2020). A gradient-limited diffusive sand slide method in scour models. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 146(11): 04020074
  25. Y. Song*, Y. Lai, and X. Liu$ (2020). An immersed boundary method for simulating flow hydrodynamics in streams with complex terrains. Water, 12(8):2226. Special Issue "Multi-Dimensional Modeling of Flow and Sediment Transport" organized by guest editor Dr. Yong Lai. 2020.
  26. T. Nagel**, J. Chauchat, C. Bonamy, X. Liu, Z. Cheng, T. Hsu (2020). Three-dimensional scour simulations with a two-phase flow model, Advances in Water Resources, 138, 103544.
  27. B. Li*, X. Liu$, M. H. Kaufman, A. Turetcaia, X. Chen, M. B. Cardenas (2020). Flexible and modular simultaneous modeling of flow and reactive transport in rivers and hyporheic zones. Water Resources Research, 56(2): e2019WR026528.
  28. Y. Wang**, X. Liu$, C. Yao, and Y. Li. (2020) Debris flow impact forces on piers with different cross section shapes, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146(10: 04019045.
  29. Y. Chen*, R. A. DiBiase, N. McCarroll, X. Liu$. (2019) Quantifying Flow Resistance in Mountain Streams Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling over Structure‐from‐motion Photogrammetry‐derived Microtopography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 44(10): 1973-1987.
  30. H. Chen**, X. Liu, and Q. Zou. (2019) Wave attenuation and flow structures induced by submerged and suspended canopies, Advances in Water Resources. 123:160-172.
  31. Y. Chen*, X. Liu$, J. Gulley, and K. Mankoff. (2018) Direct observations and realistic modeling of a subglacial drainage conduit. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(20): 11206-11218
  32. Y. Wang**, X. Liu, C. Yao, Y. Li, S. Liu, and X. Zhang. (2018) Finite-volume release of debris flows around round and square piers: An experimental study, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(12): 06018015.
  33. D. Liu**, X. Liu$, X. Fu. (2018) LES-DEM simulations of sediment saltation in a rough-wall turbulent boundary layer, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 57(6): 786-797
  34. M. Talebpour* and X. Liu$. (2018) Numerical investigation on the suitability of a fourth-order nonlinear k-omega model for secondary current of second type in open-channels, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 57(1): 1-12
  35. X. Liu$. (2018) Simulations of Suspended Sediment Transport using Low-Reynolds Number (LRN) Turbulence Models with a Unified Mesh, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 144(6):04018029
  36. Y. Jiang* and X. Liu$. (2018) Experimental and numerical investigation of density current over macro-roughness, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 18(1): 97-116.
  37. Burgos, W. D., Meza, L. C., Tasker, T. J., Drohan, P. J., Liu, X., Landis, J. D., Blotevogel, J., McLaughlin, M., Borch, T., Warner, N. R. (2017) Sediment record of historical surface water disposal of oil and gas wastewater in western Pennsylvania. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(15): 8851-8860.
  38. Y. Xu* and X. Liu$. (2017) Effects of different in-stream structure representations in computational fluid dynamics models — Taking Engineered Log Jams (ELJ) as an example, Water, Special Issue "Stream Channel Stability, Assessment, Modeling, and Mitigation", guest editor: Johnson, P.A. 9(2), 110.
  39. K. Mankoff, J. Gulley, T. Slawek, M. Covington, X. Liu, Y. Chen*, D. Benn, P. Glowacki. (2017) Roughness of a subglacial conduit under Hansbreen, Svalbard, Journal of Glaciology, 63(239): 423-435.
  40. Z., Zhou**, T. Hsu, D. Cox, and X. Liu. (2017) Large-eddy simulation of wave-breaking induced  turbulent   coherent structures and suspended sediment transport on a barred beach. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 122(1): 207-235, doi:10.1002/2016JC011884.
  41. X. Liu$, Y. Chen*, C. Shen (2016). Coupled two-dimensional surface flow and three-dimensional sub-surface flow modeling for the drainage of permeable road pavement. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 21(12): 04016051.
  42. C. Shen, S. Wang, X. Liu (2016). Geomorphological significance of the at-many-stations hydraulic geometry, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 3762–3770.
  43. D. Liu**, X. Liu$, X. Fu, and G. Wang (2016). Quantification of the bedload effects on turbulent open channel flows, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 121(4), 767–789.
  44. X. Liu$ (2016). Analytical solutions for steady two-dimensional suspended sediment transport in channels with arbitrary advection velocity and eddy diffusivity distributions, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 54(4), 1-10.
  45. D.M., Waterman, X. Liu, D. Motta, M.H. Garcia (2016). Analytical lagrangian model of sediment oxygen demand and reaeration flux coevolution in streams, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 142(7), 04016028.
  46. X. Liu$ and M. Nayamatullah* (2014). Semianalytical solutions for one-dimensional unsteady nonequilibrium suspended sediment transport in channels with arbitrary eddy viscosity distributions and realistic boundary conditions, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 140(5), 04014011.
  47. X. Liu$ (2014). New Near-Wall Treatment for Suspended Sediment Transport Simulations with High-Reynolds Number (HRN) Turbulence Models. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 140(3):333-339.
  48. X. Liu$ and Y. Jiang* (2014). Direct numerical simulations of the boundary condition effect on density currents, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 14:387-407.
  49. S. Sinha, X. Liu, and M.H. Garcia (2013). A Three-dimensional Water Quality Model of Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS), Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 18:567-592
  50. A.W. Nielsena**, X. Liu, B.M. Sumer, J. Fredsoe (2013). Flow and Bed Shear Stresses in Scour Protections around a Pile in a Current, Coastal Engineering, 72:20-38
  51. X. Liu (2013), Three-Dimensional Modeling of Variably Saturated Porous Media Flows using Finite Volume Method on Unstructured Meshes. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics,  7(2): 223-238
  52. S. Sinha, X. Liu, and M.H. Garcia (2012), Three-dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Chicago River, Illinois, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 12(5):471-494
  53. X. Liu, G. Parker, J. Czuba, K. Oberg, J.M. Mier, J.L. Best, D.R. Parsons, P. Ashmore, and M.H. Garcia (2011). Sediment Mobility and Bed Armoring in the St. Clair River: Insights from Hydrodynamic Modeling. Earth Surface Processes and Landform, 37(9):957-970
  54. X. Liu (2011), Extension of Kleiser and Schumann’s Influence-Matrix Method for Generalized Velocity Boundary Conditions, Journal of Computational Physics, 230(22):7911-7916
  55. X. Liu and M.H. Garc�a (2011). Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling and Optimal Design of Large-Scale Primary Settling Tanks. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 137(3):343-355
  56. A.S. Le�n, X. Liu, M.S. Ghidaoui, A.R. Schmidt and M.H. Garc�a, Junction and Drop-Shaft Boundary Conditions for Modeling Free-Surface, Pressurized, and Mixed Free-Surface Pressurized Transient Flows, Journal o f Hydraulic Engineering,136(10):705-715.
  57. X. Liu, B. J. Landry, and M.H. Garc�a (2008). Coupled Two-Dimensional Model for Scour Based on Shallow Water Equations with Unstructured Mesh. Coastal Engineering, 55(10): 800-810
  58. X. Liu and M.H. Garc�a (2008). A 3D Numerical Model with Free Water Surface and Mesh Deformation for Local Sediment Scour. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. 134(4): 203-217
  59. X. Liu and M.H. Garc�a (2008). Discussion of “Divergence Form for Bed Slope Source Term in Shallow Water Equations” by A. Valiani and L. Begnudelli. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 134(5): 678-679
  60. X. Liu and M.H. Garc�a (2007). Numerical Investigation of Sea Bed Response under Waves with Free-surface Water Flow. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 17(2): 97-104
  61. X. Liu, J. Ni, and T. Li (2004). A Quadtree Based Method for Dynamic Partitioning Integrated Information Units with Different Scales and its Implementation. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 12(1): 24-32 (in Chinese)

Non-peer reviewed articles

  1. J. Zhang, X. Liu, A. Tejada-Martinez, and Q. Zhang. (2016). Computational Fluid Dynamics: A promising tool for analysis and design of water and wastewater treatment, Hydrolink Magazine, IAHR, Year 2016, Number 2, pages 39-41

Selected project reports

  1. X. Liu, A., Mazdeh, L. W., Zevenbergen, and C. M., Kramer (2024). Selection and Application of Manning's Roughness Values in Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Models. NCHRP Research Report 1077. (Download link: report)
  2. X. Liu, Y. Xu and Y. Song (2021). Robust Ecohydraulic 3D Modeling Tools for Rivers with Complex Instream Structures. Project final report submitted to U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. 42 pages. (Download link: report)