Group Members
Graduate Students
- Tenorio, Alejandro (Co-advised with Dr. Roberto Fernandez), Ph.D. student: Machine-learning enhanced flow measurements with imaging technology
- Li, Yilan, Ph.D. student: Bridge hydraulics and scour experiments and modeling
- Radiyan, Fikri, Ph.D. student: Modeling of large woody debris in rivers
- Dey, Souradip, Ph.D. student: Coupled flow and soil mechanics modeling
Former Group Members
Former Students
- Mousavi, Azadeh, Ph.D. student: Scour and erosion around porous in-stream structures
- Yuncheng Xu, Ph.D. student: morphological impact of large woody debries
- Zilong Li, Ph.D. student: granular mechanics and pore pressure
- Yalan Song, Ph.D. student: scour modeling aroung objects
- Yi-xuan Zeng, Ph.D. student: fish passage modeling
- Bing Li, Ph.D. student: hyporheic flow modeling
- Yunxiang Chen, Ph.D.: flow and resistance in subglaical conduits
- Mahdad Talebpour, M.S.: secondary current in open channel flows; now at University of Maryland.
- Detain Liu, visiting Ph.D. student: discrete element method (DEM) to simulate sediment transport
- Yijiu Jiang, Ph.D.: experimental and numerical modeling of density current
- Manjure Maula Md. Nayamatullah, Ph.D.: analytical and numerical modeling of scalar and particle transport in channels
- Fahmidah Ummul Ashraf (Ruma), M.S.: channel stability and its impact on transportation infrastructures, funded by TxDOT
- Rusen Sinir, M.S.: pore-scale modeling of scour protection for offshore wind farms
Former Postdocs
- Hassan Ismail, Postdoc: fish passage experiment
- Ali Mahdavi Mazdeh, Postdoc: Manning's n in 2D hydraulic models
Former Honors Students
- Autumn Deitrick: river hydraulics
Former REU Students
- Ricardo Luna, Sunil Rai, Kafley Sovit, Sen Lu
Former Visitors
- Youbiao Wang, Visiting Ph.D. student: debris flow impact on structures